The kidney is the human poison filter, which passes through it, and the blood is purified of toxins
؟ How to start a kidney Cobblestone
Begin kidney stone the size of a grain of sand from a solid material in college and stick to them or deposited minerals from urine (such as salts Almalseyoum and uric acid) the grow even turn into a block (pebble) like a piece of stone
The most common kidney stones consist of calcium united Baloxalat the (calcium oxalate) which is affecting more men than among women.
The other consists of kidney stones from uric acid, cysteine or methionine.
If you have injured renal Bhsah and one, you are more susceptible to another.
Kidney stones begin forming usually in the middle of the college and if they are small, they do not cause any problems and may pass pebble minutes of scale through Habak then graduated with Polk without feeling.
However, the gallstones that are larger than half an inch may block the flow of urine to the outside of one of the kidneys, making the total swell and become painful If Pebble moved to one of the ureters or urethra even blocked, they can cause severe pain called renal colic.
How to get rid of of kidney stones
If you do not descend renal calculus with urinary flow, may be treated in one of the following methods:
- Lithotripsy shock waves from outside the body:
Performed in a hospital outpatient centers or Lithotripsy, this procedure takes one hour and does not require anesthesia.
The patient is placed on a special table, and draws confrontational waves of water through the bags placed on the skin near the scene of a pebble The shock waves break-gallstones into small pieces can be descending from the ureter to urine
- The use of cystoscope:
If a pebble in one of the ureters near the bladder, the uses binoculars bladder.
The use of local or general anesthesia, a tube is inserted exploratory tight in the urethra and routed to the bladder and up the ureter. You can enter a special tool through the cystoscope to you grasp a pebble and can attract and use of electrical energy or laser energy to break up the stone.
- Lithotripsy manner penetrate the skin using this method performed on an outpatient specialties Lithotripsy larger than one inch They need to soothing the exploratory tube is inserted through a small incision in the side and is lithotripsy way ultrasound or electric power.
- Surgery:
Surgery used in case of a large pebble or inaccessible While be under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a surgical incision in the side, and made another incision the ureter or college hand to reach the cobblestone and eradicated, then incision is sewn to lock it. This method is used only for unusual situations that did not work with the simplest means.
Diagnosis and treatment options:
You go to the doctor if you're experiencing pain mentioned previously, may prescribe you a dwelling for the pain to ease the discomfort, being you tests of urine and blood, and make arrangements for testing soundtracks such as imaging total parenteral pink if been identified pebble, the doctor instructs tests metabolic to help to determine the cause and these tests include comprehensive assessment, and collection of a urine sample 24 hours (ie, to compile Polk for a full day), and if I got you Cobblestone with urine components must be analyzed chemically.
Treatment may take several forms, if you are among the vast majority of cases (90%) who graduated them pebble automatically with the urine within 6 weeks, this is a good thing.
Otherwise, drink plenty of water (12 Cuba them from 8 water may Islad to get rid of the gravel.
Your doctor may ask you to liquidate Polk and retain any small stones or beads minutes.
Can prevent calcium stones (which produces the output of large amounts of calcium in the urine) to take thiazide diuretics.
Gallstone treatment containing uric acid (uric acid), a doctor may prescribe a drug makes urine alkaline constantly and also may prescribe a drug allopurinol, a drug reduces the production of uric acid, as described Aloloubeyoreynol to handle most cases of gout.
Some kidney stones cause for the lack of a strong factor to be gravel inhibitor called citrate. Citrate salts can be taken either in the form of tablets or mixed with water.
To prevent a repeat of gravel *, you'll need to drink a lot of fluids (enough to make Polk almost colorless) and food Follow your doctor's advice, which may include reducing the intake of protein and salt reduction.
Signs and symptoms of the disease
Feeling tired and physical and mental exhaustion
Lack of appetite for food
Difficulty in breathing
Itching or frequent urination (especially at night).
The patient may develop blood anemia
High blood pressure and inflammation of the peripheral nerves (numbness)
As a result of the lack of active vitamin D Besorth the infected patient's bone Blaine
؟ How to start a kidney Cobblestone
Begin kidney stone the size of a grain of sand from a solid material in college and stick to them or deposited minerals from urine (such as salts Almalseyoum and uric acid) the grow even turn into a block (pebble) like a piece of stone
The most common kidney stones consist of calcium united Baloxalat the (calcium oxalate) which is affecting more men than among women.
The other consists of kidney stones from uric acid, cysteine or methionine.
If you have injured renal Bhsah and one, you are more susceptible to another.
Kidney stones begin forming usually in the middle of the college and if they are small, they do not cause any problems and may pass pebble minutes of scale through Habak then graduated with Polk without feeling.
However, the gallstones that are larger than half an inch may block the flow of urine to the outside of one of the kidneys, making the total swell and become painful If Pebble moved to one of the ureters or urethra even blocked, they can cause severe pain called renal colic.
The main display for kidney stones is pain, which can be severe pain usually begins in the lower side of the back and moves down until it reaches the inguinal region, tracing the path of the ureter. The pain is usually intermittent.
Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting and bleeding with urine Bloody urine and blockage of urine flow, and a lack of urine output and an incentive permanently in urination Persistent urge to urinate and the incidence of infection may cause fever and chills Fever and chills and weakness, he insists urine Mtekra cloudy or The smelly foul-smelling urine.
How to get rid of of kidney stones
If you do not descend renal calculus with urinary flow, may be treated in one of the following methods:
- Lithotripsy shock waves from outside the body:
Performed in a hospital outpatient centers or Lithotripsy, this procedure takes one hour and does not require anesthesia.
The patient is placed on a special table, and draws confrontational waves of water through the bags placed on the skin near the scene of a pebble The shock waves break-gallstones into small pieces can be descending from the ureter to urine
- The use of cystoscope:
If a pebble in one of the ureters near the bladder, the uses binoculars bladder.
The use of local or general anesthesia, a tube is inserted exploratory tight in the urethra and routed to the bladder and up the ureter. You can enter a special tool through the cystoscope to you grasp a pebble and can attract and use of electrical energy or laser energy to break up the stone.
- Lithotripsy manner penetrate the skin using this method performed on an outpatient specialties Lithotripsy larger than one inch They need to soothing the exploratory tube is inserted through a small incision in the side and is lithotripsy way ultrasound or electric power.
- Surgery:
Surgery used in case of a large pebble or inaccessible While be under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a surgical incision in the side, and made another incision the ureter or college hand to reach the cobblestone and eradicated, then incision is sewn to lock it. This method is used only for unusual situations that did not work with the simplest means.
Diagnosis and treatment options:
You go to the doctor if you're experiencing pain mentioned previously, may prescribe you a dwelling for the pain to ease the discomfort, being you tests of urine and blood, and make arrangements for testing soundtracks such as imaging total parenteral pink if been identified pebble, the doctor instructs tests metabolic to help to determine the cause and these tests include comprehensive assessment, and collection of a urine sample 24 hours (ie, to compile Polk for a full day), and if I got you Cobblestone with urine components must be analyzed chemically.
Treatment may take several forms, if you are among the vast majority of cases (90%) who graduated them pebble automatically with the urine within 6 weeks, this is a good thing.
Otherwise, drink plenty of water (12 Cuba them from 8 water may Islad to get rid of the gravel.
Your doctor may ask you to liquidate Polk and retain any small stones or beads minutes.
Can prevent calcium stones (which produces the output of large amounts of calcium in the urine) to take thiazide diuretics.
Gallstone treatment containing uric acid (uric acid), a doctor may prescribe a drug makes urine alkaline constantly and also may prescribe a drug allopurinol, a drug reduces the production of uric acid, as described Aloloubeyoreynol to handle most cases of gout.
Some kidney stones cause for the lack of a strong factor to be gravel inhibitor called citrate. Citrate salts can be taken either in the form of tablets or mixed with water.
To prevent a repeat of gravel *, you'll need to drink a lot of fluids (enough to make Polk almost colorless) and food Follow your doctor's advice, which may include reducing the intake of protein and salt reduction.
Signs and symptoms of the disease
Feeling tired and physical and mental exhaustion
Lack of appetite for food
Difficulty in breathing
Itching or frequent urination (especially at night).
The patient may develop blood anemia
High blood pressure and inflammation of the peripheral nerves (numbness)
As a result of the lack of active vitamin D Besorth the infected patient's bone Blaine